Thursday, August 30, 2012

International Innovation, September 2012

International Innovation

September 2012

International Innovation (full publication)

Group Mentality

Dr. Edward Lawler discusses his theories about social exchange, which explore collective human interactions from joint assignments to social media, and could impact our understanding of communities in the 21st Century.

Consumer Digest, August 31, 2012, Friday

Consumer Digest

August 31, 2012, Friday

Consumer Digest (full article)

General Motors and LG expand partnership to create more electric car innovations

Although details about the expanded partnership are in development, Arthur Wheaton, who is director of Cornell University’s Labor and Environmental Program, expects the collaboration will be an important facet of GM’s ability to make significant strides in the electric-car arena.

NPR, August 25, 2012, Saturday


August 25, 2012, Saturday

NPR (full article)

A Guide To Spotting Pretzel Logic On The Campaign Trail

"Fallacies are used all the time in campaigns," says Sam Nelson, director of forensics at Cornell University's school of Industrial and Labor Relations.

"Human beings are busy. We have all kinds of information around us all the time, we don't have time to logically think through every argument, so we're looking for short cuts," Nelson says. "The issue is whether you can recognize these short cuts that are really fallacies and avoid falling for them."

Daily Mail, August 22, 2012, Wednesday

Daily Mail

August 22, 2012, Wednesday

Daily Mail (full article)

Revenge of the nerds: Social rejection can 'lead to imaginative thinking and strong independence'

With her co-authors, Lynne Vincent and Jack Goncalo of Cornell University, she decided to consider the impact of rejection on people who take pride in being different from the norm. Such individuals, in a term from the study, are described as possessing an 'independent self-concept'.

Marketplace, August 22, 2012, Wednesday


August 22, 2012, Wednesday

Marketplace (full article)

Why we're paid what we're paid

When it came to negotiating her first big job after college, Yelena Shur did everything just right. Almost everything. Her only mistake was last Thanksgiving when a relative got her to crack...

"If it's a very specific skill set and a very specific task that's being done, it's more straight-forward to pay the person," said economist Kevin Hallock, Sher's professor at Cornell.

NPR, August 21, 2012, Tuesday


August 21, 2012, Tuesday

NPR (full article/audio)

Vets' Job Hunt May Be Thwarted By Disability Bias

Hannah Rudstam, a researcher at the Employment and Disability Institute at Cornell University, says her nationwide survey of HR professionals showed that while more than half thought hiring disabled vets would be good for business, managers also felt that accommodating employees with PTSD, for example, would take extra effort. They were also concerned the vets could pose a threat. But Rudstam says research suggests people with PTSD are not more likely to be violent in the workplace.

Christian Science Monitor, August 20, 2012, Monday

Christian Science Monitor

August 20, 2012, Monday

Christian Science Monitor (full article)

With end of long strike at Caterpillar, a blow to US labor movement

“It’s one more small piece of evidence that the lower half of the income distribution is struggling while the people at the very top are faring quite well,” says Richard Hurd, a professor of labor studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.

NBC News, August 20, 2012 Monday

NBC News

August 20, 2012 Monday

NBC News (full article)

Wal-Mart Stores extends holiday layaway program

During and after the recession, layaway experienced a renaissance of sorts, with retailers like Sears promoting it as an alternative for customers who couldn’t or didn’t want to put holiday purchases on credit cards. The practice hasn’t been without controversy, though. In an Op-Ed article in the New York Times last year, Cornell University history professor Louis Hyman argued that layaway was a “bad deal for everyone — except Wal-Mart.” Hyman said that the fees combined with the short repayment period added up to the equivalent of a predatory APR.

Buffalo Business First, August 17, 2012, Friday

Buffalo Business First

August 17, 2012, Friday

Buffalo Business First

Union membership spike runs contrary to trend

“Most of those changes are the consequence of the globalization of certain industries and the pressure to compete on a low-cost model,” said Lou Jean Fleron, director of the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations in Buffalo. “American corporations are acting globally in the interest of shareholders instead of some kind of national interest.”

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor Report, August 17, 2012, Friday

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor Report

August 17, 2012, Friday

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor Report

Cornell ILR School Launching Institute To Link Labor Educators, Practitioners

Set for Sept. 12, the launch comes at a “historic juncture” in a period of crisis and conflict over organized labor and worker issues, Lowell Turner, the institute's academic director, told reporters at a briefing. The think-tank project aims to bring together some 100 experts to offer evidence-based research to inform the growing debate and work with practitioners, he said...

Jeff Grabelsky, director of the Cornell ILR Construction Industry Program, said that after two years of planning, the launch has taken on “a sense of urgency” given the growing national debate over issues of collective representation, working conditions, and income inequality...

Marc D. Bayard, Worker Institute executive director, said that in the intersection between labor and environmental issues, the institute plans to develop indices to measure the number and type of green jobs created by retrofitting and other environmental protection projects.
“We want to apply the expertise of our economists and engineers to improve on the ‘guesstimates,' ”
he said, “so when officials say this will create so many jobs, we'll know what that means and what those jobs will actually look like.”

Freakonomics Radio, August 16, 2012, Thursday

Freakonomics Radio

August 16, 2012, Thursday

Freakonomics Radio (full podcast)

Freakonomics Goes to College

Ronald Ehrenberg at Cornell, whose recent paper “American Higher Education in Transition” discusses tuition inflation.

MarketWatch, August 9, 2012, Thursday


August 9, 2012, Thursday

MarketWatch (full article)

U.S. Chamber Releases Fantasy Study Alleging Union Favoritism In Pennsylvania Law, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Says

In a 2009 authoritative study by Kate Bronfenbrenner ( ), the Director of Labor Education Research at Cornell School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Ms. Bronfenbrenner found in an analysis of National Labor Relations data a rapid intensification of employer opposition to union organizing.

Labor Press, August 7, 2012, Tuesday

Labor Press

August 7, 2012, Tuesday

Labor Press (full article)

The Contradictions of Bargaining

LaborPress spoke again to John Melia, Local 1-2’s spokesman as well as Ken Margolies, senior associate at the Worker Institute at the ILR School of Cornell University to assess some of the details of the tentative agreement reached between Local 1-2 of the Utility Workers Union of America and Con Edison.

WorldatWork's workspan magazine, August 2012

WorldatWork's workspan magazine

August 2012

An monthly column in workspan® applying scholarly research to the "real world" by ICS Director Kevin Hallock.

Vacation as Compensation

Paid to take a break

Inc. Magazine, July 30, 2012, Monday

Inc. Magazine

July 30, 2012, Monday

Inc. Magazine (article/video)

The 5 Traits of High-Potential Employees

Samuel Bacharach: 'If You Don't Do Politics, You Shouldn't Be a CEO'

Samuel Bacharach is professor of labor management at Cornell and director of Cornell's Institute of Workplace Studies. He co-founded the Bacharach Leadership Group.