Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Health Business Week, December 29, 2006, Friday

Copyright 2006 Health Business Week via IncRx.com via NewsRx.com and NewsRx.net
Health Business Week

December 29, 2006


Pfizer vice president Fred Telling to join Board of Directors of Cell Therapeutics

Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (CTI) (CTIC) announced that Frederick W. Telling, PhD, vice president of Corporate Policy and Strategic Management for Pfizer Inc., has agreed to join its board of directors.

Telling's responsibilities at Pfizer include the management of worldwide policy function and external representation of the company's interests to strengthen Pfizer's ability to anticipate and influence regulatory and competitive trends in the global marketplace.

"We are pleased to welcome Dr. Telling with his leadership and background in pharmaceutical development, regulatory policy, strategic planning and mergers and acquisitions," said Phillip M. Nudelman, chairman of the Board of CTI. "His experience makes him an ideal addition to CTI's board as we move forward to get Xyotax and pixantrone to patients who will benefit the most."
Since joining Pfizer in 1977, Telling worked with both their pharmaceutical and diagnostic products divisions, becoming the Director of Planning in 1981. In 1987 his responsibilities were expanded and he was promoted to Vice President, Planning, U.S. Pharmaceuticals. Telling was named Pfizer's vice president-Corporate Strategic Planning and Policy in 1994 and elected a corporate officer and vice president of the company. In 2001, Telling assumed his current responsibilities as Vice President-Corporate Policy and Strategic Management.

Telling received his BA from Hamilton College and his Master's of Industrial and Labor Relations and PhD in Economics and Public Policy from Cornell University.

TI is a biopharmaceutical company.

This article was prepared by Health Business Week editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2006, Health Business Week via NewsRx.com.