Monday, September 03, 2007

The Union Leader (Manchester NH), August 6, 2007, Monday

Copyright 2007 Union Leader Corp.

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The Union Leader (Manchester NH)

August 6, 2007 Monday



HEADLINE: BEYOND THE BARRIERS: CVS grants target children with disabilities and uninsured



CVS Caremark 2007 Community Grants target innovative programs that focus on two key areas: programs that target children with disabilities who are 17 and under; and health-care service for people with disabilities who are uninsured:

The grants for children's programs are open to those that address any of the following:

* Health and rehabilitation services -- proposed programs that promote independence among children with disabilities, including physical and occupational therapies, speech and hearing therapies, assistive technology and recreational therapies;

* Public schools promoting a greater level of inclusion in student activities and extracurricular programs -- proposed programs must be fully inclusive insofar as children with disabilities are full participants in early childhood, adolescent, or teenage programs alongside their typically developing peers;

* Creating opportunities or facilities that give greater access to physical movement and play -- proposed programs may include either physical activities or play opportunities and should address the specific needs of the population served

CVS says its grants program covering health-care service assures that more uninsured people receive needed care, that the care received is of higher quality, and that the people who are uninsured are served by providers who participate in accountable community healthcare programs.

There is no age limit on proposed programs that create greater access to health-care services.

For more information and an online eligibility quiz, log onto The deadline to apply is Oct. 31.

Nonprofit organizations applying for a grant are required to provide an EIN number before taking the eligibility quiz; public schools are not required to provide an EIN number.

Arts, advocacy support

The Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation works to accomplish its vision of "Changing the Face of Disability on the Planet" through its grant and scholarship programs in the areas of the arts and advocacy to U.S. nonprofit organizations that are led by or support adults with disabilities who are 22 or older.

In the arts, the foundation funds programs that support professional artists with disabilities or that encourage a professional environment while enhancing creativity among people with disabilities who are not professional artists themselves.

In advocacy, the foundation supports programs that promote change in legislation or provide education that enhances knowledge and action to create laws and policies that will result in better lives for people with disabilities.

The foundation only funds program grants, which serve a specific number of people in a set amount of time with measurable goals.

Programs must demonstrate support by other foundations, corporations and individuals in the local community. Applicant organizations must be tax-exempt and have been in existence for two years or longer. Grant amounts will range from $1,000 to $5,000 each.

The deadline to apply is Sept. 15. For complete program guidelines and application procedures, visit

Online courses

Online courses from experts in disability, workplace and employment support practice are available through the Employment and Disability Institute at Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations.

These are professional development courses and certificate programs. Each course consists of interactive multimedia presentations and downloadable PowerPoint course materials. For more information, go to


Address questions and comments to Carol Nadeau, c/o the Governor's Commission on Disability, 57 Regional Drive, Concord, 03301; call 271-6895 or (800) 852-3405 toll-free in New Hampshire (Voice or TTY); or e-mail Carol.NadeauNH.Gov.