Thursday, July 19, 2007

Star-Gazette (Elmira, New York), June 18, 2007, Monday

Copyright 2007 Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY)

All Rights Reserved

Star-Gazette (Elmira, New York)

June 18, 2007 Monday

1 Edition


HEADLINE: Class of 2007 members get their final say


This is one of those bitter-sweet times of the year when I, as adviser to the ListenUp staff, say goodbye to the corps of graduating seniors who leave us with some parting thoughts today. This year's graduating staffers are few, so the farewells aren't as plentiful. But they're just as heartfelt.

The departing seniors range from students who have been on the staff since they were freshmen in high school to those who spent only their senior year as a working member of the Star-Gazette youth editorial board. As ListenUp closes out its eighth year of existence, four more staff members will join the growing list of alumni who have expressed their thoughts in print and online to tens of thousands of readers, near and far.

If they're anything like their predecessors, these seniors will use the skills they honed on ListenUp in a multitude of career fields, and who knows but that one of them could be back here one day as my boss. They've been a fine group of students who have acted professionally and represented themselves, the page and the newspaper with integrity.

Their final words on ListenUp follow, although I don't think the world has heard the last from any of them. Associate Editor David W. Kubissa.

{}Kate Doyle

My name is Kate Doyle, daughter of Michaelene and Matt Doyle in Elmira. Any praise I receive should be forwarded to them because I am indeed their Frankenstein creation.

I will graduate from Notre Dame High School this year and attend College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts this fall. I plan on taking a variety of courses, but my interests are focused on writing and marine biology. Quite a range, I know. Ideally, I would like to be a travel writer who dabbles in aquarium management.

I may only have been on the ListenUp staff for one year, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. My favorite article to write was the satirical review of astronaut scandals, which received a great deal of positive feedback. But my most widely popular article has to be the pirate prom date and his cumbersome pegleg.

I loved meeting new kids and being a part of something legitimately adult at the same time. The whole experience has been great, and I would recommend it to any prospective writers. I hope I can be remembered as the girl who brought humor to the page that already had everything else.

{}Jessica Greger

My name is Jessica Greger, and I have been a member of the ListenUp staff for four years. I am the daughter of Steve and Cindy Greger from the hamlet of Pine City.

I will graduate from Southside High School as salutatorian of the class of 2007. In the fall, I will attend Hobart and William Smith Colleges to major in biology, hopefully working toward a career in medicine. Currently, my plans are to pursue a career in medical research.

Being part of the ListenUp staff has definitely impacted my life. I have realized that people do actually read the page and care about what we teenagers think and write. It has been an invaluable opportunity to share my thoughts, to voice my opinions, and to get feedback from other people.

Over the years, I have written a wide variety of articles. One of my favorite pieces touched on the topic of international adoptions and how popular they have become. In preparing to compose my thoughts, I pored over various sources and soon became fascinated with individuals' stories and experiences involving adoption. Another article focused on job outsourcing and its challenges to future students and to those jumping into the job pool. I found this topic extremely interesting and relevant, since I am a student and America's economy is in need of improvement. I also enjoyed all of the Thumbs Up articles that were a tribute to my school, to other students and to community events. It has been a wonderful experience, being able to spread and to share others' successes within the community.

As I move to college and begin a new part of my life, I will always remember the connections I have formed and the experiences I have undergone through ListenUp. I appreciate the staff's constant dedication and will miss everyone. Good luck and success in future meetings. Say what you believe, support your ideas, and you will find that others will ListenUp.

Michelle Jackson

My parents are Patrick and Joanne Jackson. I'm graduating from Notre Dame High School, and my future plans involve a guaranteed transfer to the Industrial and Labor Relations School at Cornell University for the fall 2008 semester. I will attend Corning Community College for 2007-08 academic year.

I plan on pursuing a career in either business or law.

My favorite article for ListenUp was actually the first column that I wrote as a staff member. It was a commentary on the reasons why the phrase "under God" should remain in the Pledge of Allegiance. I strongly believe in the tradition of reciting the Pledge and in encouraging freedom of religion and speech. It was surreal to see my article and thoughts in print. Adding to the excitement, the column generated positive feedback from the community.

Nick Karski

My name is Nick Karski, and I am the son of Joe and Kathy Karski. I attend Thomas A. Edison High School in Elmira Heights. Though it is a small school, it has some of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet, and I have been very fortunate to have made some great friends there.

This fall, I will be attending the Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College. I will major in Television-Radio. After graduating from Ithaca, I hope to pursue a career in sports broadcasting. From there, I would like to be a broadcaster for a major television company or for a professional sports team.

Although I was only a member of the ListenUp staff for one year, I found the experience to be very gratifying. I have met some very remarkable people who are all great individuals. From my nerve-racking applicant interview with Mr. David Kubissa to my infamous Reality Check about appropriate baseball salaries, I must say that my time here has been enjoyable. It was great getting to know my colleagues and read how they felt about different subjects.

One of my most memorable moments from ListenUp came when I read my article about professional athlete salaries online. It sparked quite a debate from several readers who commented on StoryChat.

To my fellow ListenUp staff members and Mr. Kubissa, I would like to say thank you and best of luck in your future endeavors. Finally, I would like to thank you, the community, for giving us the chance to express our opinions.