Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Ithaca Journal (New York), June 12, 2007, Tuesday

Copyright 2007 The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, NY)

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The Ithaca Journal (New York)

June 12, 2007 Tuesday

1 Edition


HEADLINE: NCAA track and field: CU's Taylor letting national title sink in

BYLINE: Alejandro de los Rios


Journal Staff

ITHACA It didn't take long for Cornell's Rayon Taylor to be inundated by displays of congratulations on his performance in the triple jump at the NCAA championships on Saturday.

Just call his cell phone, and you'll find that his voicemail is full.

"Between Saturday and (Monday), I've gotten a ridiculous amount of calls and e-mails," he said. "Even as I was flying back, once we landed I turned my phone on and I had 20 new voicemails."

So is the life of a new national champion in track and field Cornell's first since 1951. But as the days have past, it's all starting to sink in for Taylor even as his life keeps moving forward.

"I keep reflecting on this weekend," he said.

Though he has one year left of eligibility after not competing his freshman year, Taylor said he is done. The industrial and labor relations major graduated from Cornell and has his eyes set on other goals. Namely, going back to Jamaica to compete in his home country's national track and field championships. He said the events will run from June 22-24.

"It wasn't something that I was seriously considering," he said. "But after this weekend, I decided that I might as well go back and represent my country."

Winning a national title wasn't all happy memories, though. Taylor was in the triple jump final with teammate Muham-mad Halim who was not at full strength after suffering a hamstring injury at regionals. Taylor said that he thought that Halim was the odds-on favorite to win and called his victory "bittersweet."

Both, however, have much to look forward to. Halim qualified for the USA track and field championships and will compete with the Big Red for another year. Taylor said that he and Halim are always rooting for each other and graduating won't change that.

"I can't wait to see him break my record next year," Taylor said.

As for any formal acknowledgement from Cornell officials, Taylor said that he hasn't heard of anything yet, but it's still a possibility.

"It might be in one of those voicemails I have yet to check," he said.