Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Ithaca Journal (New York), June 20, 2007, Wednesday

Copyright 2007 The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, NY)

All Rights Reserved

The Ithaca Journal (New York)

June 20, 2007 Wednesday

1 Edition


HEADLINE: Briefly in Tompkins



{}Tompkins County

{}Community Foundation gives $25K in June

The Community Foundation this month has awarded more than $25,580 in 14 grants to supplement education in Dryden, to improve health care, to expand access to summer camps and recreation, to ensure services to meet basic needs and to enhance cultural assets.

A sampling of some of the grant making indicates that more than $3,000 was awarded to educational enrichment activities to benefit the students of the Dryden Central School District from the Community Foundation's Dryden Youth Opportunity Fund. Tom and Maria's Butterfly Fund combined to make grants to Loaves and Fishes and American Red Cross Tompkins County Chapter to assist people with basic needs. The Community Foundation's Strebel Community Enrichment Fund made its first grant to the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra. The Browning Fund made a $5,000 gift to support the Paleontological Research Institute and another $5,000 gift to Hospicare's music program.

To learn more about the foundation or to make a contribution or planned gift, contact George Ferrari, executive director, at 309 N. Aurora St. or call 272-9333.


{}Cornell names Nozzolio to 4-year council term

Cornell University has named Sen. Michael Nozzolio, R-54th District, to the Cornell University Council for a four-year term beginning July 1, the senator's office announced Tuesday.

Sen. Nozzolio, a Cornell graduate, was selected by the University Board of Trustees.

Members of the Council hold a joint meeting annually in Ithaca with the Cornell Board of Trustees to receive an update from the university president on the status, goals and objectives of the university in the upcoming year.

Sen. Nozzolio serves on the Board of the Cornell Agriculture and Food Technology Park and previously served on the Board of Directors for the Martin P. Catherwood Library of the School of Industrial and Labor relations at Cornell.

Briefly in Tompkins appears in print and online daily. To submit items to Briefly in Tompkins, send information with the name, date and place, phone numbers and e-mail contacts at least one week before publication to: Deb Miller, The Ithaca Journal, 123 W. State St., Ithaca, phone 274-9261; fax 272-4248; or e-mail Visit to learn about more local events.

{}Dance troupe to perform for Southside

The Madear's Kids professional youth dance troupe from Gainesville, Fla., is scheduled to perform the musical "Once On This Island" as a benefit for Southside Community Center at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Friday, June 22 at the café at Anabel Taylor Hall, Cornell University.

A suggested donation of $10 for adults and $5 for children will go toward helping Southside Community Center children and their parents take a trip to Hershey Park.

Madear's Kids (pronounced Ma'Dears as in "My Dears") will perform a dance routine at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 23 at the Southside Community Center's Juneteenth celebration. Juneteenth run from noon to 7 p.m.

The Madear's Kids dance troupe is an award-winning dance troupe that recently won a superior medal the highest award possible in a statewide competition through the Florida Thespian Association.

For ticket information, contact Stel Walton Whitehead, program director at the Southside Community Center, 273-4190.

{}Children's Choir to hold auditions this week at CSMA

The Ithaca Children's Choir, a choral program for children and young adults, will hold auditions this today and Thursday, June 20-21 in the afternoons at the Community School for Music and Arts.

Auditions are open to young people between 7 and 20, and no singing experience is necessary. Call 272-1474 to schedule a 10-minute audition.

The Ithaca Children's Choir is a nationally recognized program for children and young people, committed to excellence while emphasizing the joy of singing. There are five choruses within ICC, including a young men's chorus for boys whose voices are no longer treble voices.

The Ithaca Children's Choir has been a pioneer in the performance of a wide-ranging repertoire that includes music from many world cultures as well as the classics of western European music. The ensemble members work frequently with guest artists and composers.

Briefly in Tompkins appears in print and online daily. To submit items to Briefly in Tompkins, send information with the name, date and place, phone numbers and e-mail contacts at least one week before publication to: Deb Miller, The Ithaca Journal, 123 W. State St., Ithaca, phone 274-9261; fax 272-4248; or e-mail Visit to learn about more local events.