Buffalo News (New York), September 4, 2005, Sunday
Copyright 2005 The Buffalo News
Buffalo News (New York)
September 4, 2005 Sunday
HEADLINE: Michalovic - Tarry
The chapel in the Buffalo Seminary was the setting at 1:30 p.m. Saturday when Mariah Katherine Michalovic, a graduate of the school, and George Patrick Tarry III were united in marriage by the Rev. James M. Pollard, a Methodist minister.
The bride is the daughter of Rebecca and Stephen Michalovic of Amherst, and the bridegroom is the son of Carole and George Tarry of Burlington, N.C. A reception was given at the home of the bride's aunt, Rosalind Barber, in Eggertsville. Also a graduate of Cornell University, the bride received a master's degree in industrial and labor relations from Cornell. She is a human resources generalist for Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. The bridegroom, a human resources generalist for Honeywell International, Minnespolis, is a graduate of Furman University, Greenville, S.C., and has a master's degree in international studies from University of South Carolina. The bridegroom spent four years in Japan to complete a second degree black belt in Aikido and is head instructor in Minnesota Ki-Aikido. He is a member of Wayzata Yacht Club on Lake Minnetonka, where a reception will be given Saturday aboard the yacht Paradise Destiny. The newly married couple will take a Tahitian cruise and will live in Minneapolis.
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