Friday, April 29, 2005

The Irish Times, April 12, 2005, Tuesday

Copyright 2005 The Irish Times
The Irish Times

April 12, 2005

SECTION: Education and Parenting; Pg. 12

HEADLINE: Noticeboard


A round-up of events taking place in the field of education.
Public Debate on Student Funding
Student Funding Review: What Role for the Community? is the title of a debate co-hosted by Clondalkin Partnership and Ballyfermot Partnership at The Moran's Red Cow Hotel, Naas Road, Dublin 22, tonight at 7.30pm.
Dr Mary Liz Trant, director of the National Office for Equity of Access to Higher Education, will give a presentation on the work of her office, the ongoing review of student funding and future plans. A student representative from the community will respond and this will be followed by an open debate.
Participants will include public representatives, representatives of the Department of Education, college access officers, parents, teachers, community groups and students.
For more information contact: Hugh Doogan, community access officer, Clondalkin Partnership. Tel: 01-4576433. E-mail:
Music in the Classroom
The booking form for the 2005-2006 series of Music in the Classroom concerts for primary and secondary schools will be published in The Irish Times on Tuesday, May 10th. Only postal bookings with the accompanying booking form can be accepted. Any inquiries should be e-mailed to
Kemmy Business School Distinguished Lecture Series
Michael O'Leary, chief executive of Ryanair Holdings, will deliver the next lecture in the above series in the Concert Hall, University of Limerick tomorrow at 5pm.
EU/Japan Year Project Competition for Post-Primary Schools
To celebrate EU/Japan Year 2005, the Post Primary Languages Initiative, in partnership with the UK, Germany and Japan, is organising a project competition for students of Japanese at post-primary level.
There are group and individual competitions, with two group prizes of participation in a conference on Japanese culture in London in November and four individual prizes of study visits to Japan in October.
Further details from the Post Primary Languages Initiative, Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9. Tel: 01-8057794. E-mail:"> "">
John Lovett Memorial Lecture at UL
The 13th annual John Lovett Memorial Lecture will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday, April 21st in the Jean Monet Lecture Theatre, University of Limerick. This year's lecture will be delivered by Prof Scott Snell from the School of Industrial and Labour Relations at Cornell University.
Further details from Paddy Gunnigle. Tel: 061-202637 or email:

Smurfit School of Business Open Day
Smurfit School of Business, UCD, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin, is holding an open day on Monday April 18th from 3pm, There will be presentations on each of the school's programmes from graduate diploma to specialist masters to MBA level.
Conference on Cultivating Person-Centred Planning
The conference will take place on Thursday, May 5th in the Astra Hall, The Student Centre, University College Dubli. Speakers include Peter Kinsella, Eric Emerson and Mary van Lieshout.
For further details contact Marie O'Connor, Centre for Disability Studies, UCD. Tel: 01-7168333. E-mail:
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