Friday, June 20, 2014

WORT Radio, May 27, 2014, Tuesday

WORT Radio 

May 27, 2014, Tuesday

WORT Radio (full interview)

Organizing the Service Sector

On May 15, thousands of fast-food workers around the globe walked off the job, demanding a $15 an hour wage. This is the third year of such one day strikes, and the momentum for workers seems to be growing. Last Wednesday, McDonald’s shareholders met in Oak Brook, Illinois, only to be met by 2,000 protestors demanding a living wage. Riot police were called in, and over 100 protestors arrested. But how successful might such actions be? Ken Alan Margolies is a Senior Associate at the Worker’s Institute at Cornell University. He’s also served as a professional recruiter, and has worked in a variety of capacities for the Service Employees International Union, the Teamsters, the Communication Workers of America and the Association of Flight Attendants.