Monday, March 10, 2014

The Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2014, Wednesday

The Wall Street Journal 

March 5, 2014, Wednesday

The Wall Street Journal (full article)

Disability Studies: Hot Topic on Campus

More than one-third of students in the concentration have a family member with a disability, said Thomas P. Golden, associate director of Cornell's Employment and Disability Institute.

"They come with provocative questions like, 'Why did my dad have to leave the workplace?' or 'How do I help my sibling experience the quality of life that I'm going to experience as a result of my career?'" Mr. Golden said.

"Disability Considerations in HR Policy and Practice," a course taught by Susanne Bruyere, the school's associate dean of outreach and director of the Employment and Disability Institute, also addresses the strategic advantages of employing people with disabilities, such as helping companies appeal to new markets.