Monday, September 23, 2013

Reuters, September 9, 2013, Monday


September 9, 2013, Monday

Reuters (full article)

Labor giant AFL-CIO, at 'crossroads,' seeks reinvention

The United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, which represents 1.2 million workers, said in August it was leaving Change to Win to rejoin the AFL-CIO. UNITE HERE and the Laborers' International Union of North America, LIUNA, reaffiliated in 2009 and 2010, respectively.

Trumka praised the UFCW's decision to "unite with the broader labor movement" to challenge the "new normal" facing low-wage workers.

Cornell University's Richard Hurd, a labor studies scholar and longtime AFL-CIO observer, said, "Trying to create interest in collective action, trying to address wage equality, trying to address abuses, that can help the labor movement."