Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sun-Sentinel, October 12, 2008, Sunday

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Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)

October 12, 2008, Sunday

Broward Metro Edition

HEADLINE: Programs Aim To Help Students With Disabilities; Training Focuses on Transitions, Planning

BYLINE: Rachel Hatzipanagos Staff Writer



Like many 18-year-olds, Bryan Siravo is eager to get out of the house and work on his own.

Like many parents, his mother, Maura, is nervous for him.

"I'm an overprotective mother," Maura Siravo said.

Part of that is because Bryan has cerebral palsy, a neurological condition that affects his motor skills. But it does not affect his independent streak and desire to get a job. He is enrolled in Sheridan Technical Center in Hollywood, studying information technology.

"I don't think of myself as having a disability," Bryan Siravo said. "I look normal, I act normal."

Bryan's attitude has helped him succeed when many who are disabled find it hard to transition to the real world. Programs for special-needs students in high school evaporate when they age out.

Last year, 37 percent of those between the ages of 21-64 with disabilities were employed, compared with 80 percent without disabilities, according to the Cornell Employment and Disability Institute.

To prepare for the transition, on Saturday, mother and son attended the DisAbilities Expo, a conference at Nova Southeastern University, where they sat in on a session called "Transition from School to Work."

In the Broward County School District, planning starts for students who are disabled at 14, said county transition specialist Lou Ruccolo.

"We ask them, 'Where do you want to be five, 10 years from now?' " Ruccolo said.

For some students, it's vocational training. For others, it's college, where students can hit a standstill.

Stephanie Zakheim, 21, has dropped out of two colleges. She has Asperger's syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder affecting her ability to communicate and socialize.

"I didn't have any friends," Zakheim said. "You can have all the tutoring you can get, but if you don't have friends, you just want to sit at home on the couch and do nothing."

Earlier this year, Zakheim enrolled in College Living Experience, a Davie program for students with special needs where they receive training in social skills and independent living.

"It's made a big difference," Zakheim said. Now, she is enrolled at Broward College.

Like Bryan Siravo, she doesn't think a disability will affect her job search.

Siravo's mother, however, is worried.

"He isn't concerned, but it's a concern for me," Maura Siravo said. "I worry about him being able to afford living by himself in Broward County; it's very expensive."

"Computer programmers start out at $80,000 to $100,000 a year," Bryan said.

"He doesn't have his driver's license," Maura said.

Bryan's reply: "Not yet."

Rachel Hatzipanagos can be reached at or 954-385-7946.

People at work

37% Percentage of those ages of 21-64 with disabilities who were employed in 2007

80% Employment rate for people without disabilities


GRAPHIC: Photo(s)

Angelina Smith, Cindy Holding and Joann Block communicate with sign language at NSU's DisAbilities Expo. Mike Stocker, Sun Sentinel

LOAD-DATE: October 12, 2008