Thursday, October 11, 2007

Detroit Free Press (Michigan), October 10, 2007, Wednesday

Copyright 2007 Detroit Free Press
Detroit Free Press (Michigan)

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune News Service

October 10, 2007, Wednesday


HEADLINE: UAW ends brief strike against Chrysler

BYLINE: By Tim Higgins, Detroit Free Press


DETROIT _ Chrysler LLC and the UAW, after a 6 { hour strike involving 34,000 workers, reached a tentative agreement on a new labor contract Wednesday, dramatically easing tensions throughout a U.S. auto industry bracing for the impact of a second major work stoppage against a Detroit carmaker in 2 { weeks.

Details of the tentative deal were not immediately made public, as is tradition with UAW negotiations, though it is described as sticking with the pattern set by the landmark agreement reached Sept. 26 between the union and General Motors Corp. That deal, officially ratified Wednesday by rank-and-file members, ended a two-day strike against GM.

As with GM's deal, the Chrysler-UAW agreement includes the creation of a retiree health care trust that will free the Auburn Hills automaker of billions of dollars worth of obligations in exchange for making some sort of up-front payment at a significant discount.

"This agreement was made possible because UAW workers made it clear to Chrysler that we needed an agreement that rewards the contributions they have made to the success of this company," UAW President Ron Gettelfinger said in a statement issued shortly before 5:30 p.m.

The tentative contract adds more wind to the sail of the automaker's new owner, Cerberus Capital Management, which took majority control of Chrysler in August and set off a frenzy of speculation over how the change would affect the UAW negotiations.

"I was nervous about these negotiations to begin with because you don't have a long relationship," said Arthur Wheaton, a labor expert at Cornell University.

The union is making plans to call its national Chrysler council to Detroit for a meeting about the terms of the agreement and to ask the council to approve the plan _ a step required before it goes to the rank and file for ratification. The date for the meeting has yet to be set.

The deal brought to an end another dramatic day for Detroit in which 18 of Chrysler's 25 U.S. manufacturing facilities were struck. The strike, which began at 11 a.m., was called off when the deal was announced.
"Chrysler has had some real difficulty getting the union to go along. So I think they needed a little bit more drama in their situation," said David Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor.
Unlike the two-day GM strike that began Sept. 24, Gettelfinger did not immediately hold a news conference to talk about the reasons for the strike at Chrysler.

At 11 a.m., workers flooded out of plants around the country. Picket lines formed even outside Chrysler headquarters, where hundreds of people blocked traffic in the streets.
At the Warren Stamping Plant, Tamika Harrison, who has worked 13 years at the plant, said the strike was important. "We've got to fight for what's right," she said. "They want to cut everything."
Not everyone was convinced. The quick nature of the strike, the shortest in UAW recent history, helped fuel conspiracy theories.

"I think it was purely, purely show," said Dave Rodriguez, 42, an assembly worker at the Chrysler minivan plant in the St. Louis area. Even before the deal was announced, he suspected the union was striking to make the rank and file more willing to take a deal.

"It's a crap contract," he said, based on reports about the GM deal. "I am just sick and tired of the union thinking that we're stupid people on the lines that can't read."
But others supported Gettelfinger's decision to strike.

"I think we did the right thing," said Kevin Kline, 48, of Troy, Mich.. "We sent a message that we'll stick together as a union."

Kline, a toolmaker at the Mack Engine I plant who has been on layoff for about three months, said he has faith that union leaders reached a fair contract. "They are not going to do us wrong."

UAW Vice President General Holiefield said in a statement that the deal provides job protection and protects wages, pensions and health care for active and retired members.

During the talks with GM, Gettelfinger indicated a major issue for the union was job security, which led to the apparent promise by GM of specific product opportunities at 16 of 17 UAW facilities.

Some had questioned whether Chrysler, undergoing dramatic changes, could make such a commitment.

"I don't think the new ownership wants any kind of shackles in terms of who they can sell and what they can get rid of. That's what hedge funds and private equity are all about _ breaking them up and getting rid of the pieces that you don't need to make more money off them," Wheaton said.

Gettelfinger had warned his members Monday that a strike could happen Wednesday if a deal was not reached by 11 a.m. _ 26 days after the 2003 labor agreement was slated to expire.

Talks heated up during the weekend, when the UAW gave a deadline for a new contract. On Tuesday, the two sides began meeting at 8 a.m. and did not stop, running through the night and Wednesday morning, until the strike.

Unlike the strike called against GM, the walkout did not apply to all Chrysler facilities. Five assembly plants covered under the national agreement, including three in the Detroit area, were excluded because those facilities were already shut down this week. Two are idle because the automaker is suffering from over-production at those facilities. The other one is closed for retooling.

That over capacity _ better than 100 days' supply in some cases _ was expected to help soften the blow of a strike for Chrysler in the short term. Experts had warned that a long strike could have been devastating to the company, which lost $2 billion in the first three months of the year.

"The national agreement is consistent with the economic pattern, and balances the needs of our employees and company by providing a framework to improve our long-term manufacturing competitiveness," Chrysler President and Vice Chairman Tom LaSorda said in a statement.

The previous UAW-Chrysler contract, which was agreed to in 2003, was set to expire Sept. 14 but was indefinitely extended while the union first worked with GM to reach a tentative labor agreement. That deal was reached Sept. 26, after a two-day strike, the first national strike against GM in 37 years.

The UAW walkout against GM resulted in a labor agreement that freed the automaker of $50 billion in retiree health care obligations at a $20-billion discount and created a two-tier wage and benefit system for noncore jobs _ both keys to the company's efforts to narrow an estimated $20- to $30-an-hour gap in compensation when compared with U.S. plants of Asian rivals such as Toyota.

Chrysler, with nearly $18 billion in long-term UAW health care obligations, had shown interest in the retiree health care deal but was known to be pushing for other issues, too, including health care concessions similar to those that the UAW granted in 2005 to GM and Ford, but not to Chrysler.

The lack of the 2005 health care deal complicated efforts to create the retiree health care trust, people familiar with the talks said, because the GM trust builds on the 2005 deal.

The economics of GM's desire for a retiree health care are different from Chrysler's. GM provides health benefits to more than four retirees and surviving spouses for every one active worker, whereas Chrysler's ratio is about 1- to-1.

"Their costs in retiree health care aren't nearly as significant as the percent of the total as GM's are, therefore they have less appetite for making a big cash investment" in a retiree health care trust, said Fred Hubacker, executive director of turnaround firm Conway MacKenzie & Dunleavy.
Chrysler is also believed to have pushed to sell or close some of its operations related to its Mopar parts operations and its transportation division.

In addition to the retiree health care trust, the deal includes other changes to the national agreement, LaSorda said. Following ratification, the memorandum of understanding establishing the trust is subject to approval by the courts and review of accounting treatment by the Securities Exchange Commission, he added.
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LOAD-DATE: October 11, 2007