Office of the Controller (Los Angeles), 29 May 2006, Monday
Marica Calicchia, ILR Senior Extension Associate authored the following study which was released on the Office of the Controller site of the City of Los Angeles on 29 May 2006.
Los Angeles Labor Negotiations Study
[full-text, 92 pages]
The objectives of the study are to:
• Review negotiations executed within the last three years for “lessons learned,” aswell as review negotiations currently underway.
• Evaluate and “map” the City’s current collective bargaining process.
• Conduct a nationwide search for promising practices the City could incorporateinto the collective bargaining process.
• Evaluate the fiscal impacts of labor negotiations.
• Evaluate the role of and incentives for each party in the process.
• Evaluate the labor-management relationships outside of the bargaining process.
• Identify opportunities for improving labor-management relations.
Cornell University addressed the City’s current labor relations process and identifiedareas for improvement or consideration (Sections I and III)
Table of Contents
Executive Summary............................................................................. Introduction ...................................................................................... 11
Section I—Opportunities to Improve the Labor-ManagementNegotiations Process........ 15
Section II—Fiscal Implications of the Labor Negotiation Process..... 28
Section III—Additional Ideas for Consideration................................ 45
Appendix A—Los Angeles Organizations Participating in theInterviews ................ 68
Appendix B—The Negotiation Process............................................... 70
Appendix C—Documents and Publications Reviewed or Cited .......... 74
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