Friday, June 03, 2005

The New York Times, May 29, 2005, Sunday

Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company
The New York Times

May 29, 2005 Sunday
Late Edition - Final

SECTION: Section 9; Column 1; Society Desk; WEDDINGS/CELEBRATIONS; Pg. 14

HEADLINE: Chris Abbuhl, Jeffrey Allen

Chris Myrl Abbuhl and Jeffrey Charles Allen were married last evening in Provincetown, Mass. Rachel E. Peters, a justice of the peace, performed the ceremony in a house rented for the occasion.
Mr. Abbuhl (above, left) is 48 and the assistant dean for human resources at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Mass. He graduated from Cornell. He is the son of Eleanor and Clarence M. Abbuhl of Zephyrhills, Fla. His mother retired as a nurse's aide at the Gerrit Smith Nursing Home in Eaton, N.Y. His father retired as a heavy-equipment operator for Labarge & Son, a construction company in East Syracuse, N.Y.
Mr. Allen, 44, is the property manager at an estate in Brookline, Mass. He graduated from Allegheny College. He is a son of Shirley and Jay E. Allen of Calabash, N.C. His mother retired as the graduate coordinator of the mathematics department at Cornell. His father retired as a senior accountant in the Ithaca office of New York State Electric and Gas.